Psychological Effects of Femicide & Domestic Violence
Domestic violence and femicide are measured by the external damages they inflict, however, the psychological effects are long lasting and often overlooked by many.

Psychologically, domestic violence can be very confusing, as it is often misconstrued within the mind of the victim. Primarily, many women feel that violence and passion are synonymous due to their romantic relationship with their partner (Bleskachek and Mckinley).
Romantic feelings towards abusers leads to the perpetuation of domestic violence within this relationship, as a certain dependence is cultivated, and it's harder for women to gain independence and leave these horrible instances.

This cultural perception of domestic violence limits the legislative progress as well as the efforts of reform movements, such as NiUnaMenos. To ensure its success, the NiUnaMenos movement calls for both social and political reform in order to cultivate rights for women, so they can gain the ability to provide for themselves without fear of discrimination.

Those who experience episodes of domestic violence or attempted femicide must undergo a tumultuous healing process, one that is largely concealed and internalized in many instances.
For example, for many women in Argentina who face situations of domestic violence, it's extremely difficult to gain the independence and resources necessary to formally recover from their psychological effects.

For example, a process deemed to be effective in Latin America is that of the Las Dignas, translating to dignities, organization in El Salvador, which uses feminist ideals to encourage women to be the capable citizens that they are (Schwindt-Bayer 7). Along with the ideas of Las Dignas, it is important to understand the influence of abusive relationships on mental health of women affected by domestic violence.
Though not always possible or easy, emancipation from abusive partners can lead to healthier and happier women. Without recognition for the struggles they face or the implications these instances have on their livelihoods, Argentine women will continue to struggle with the status of their mental health.