NiUnaMenos, which translates to “Not one less,” is a social movement that comprises members who are dedicated to the progression of Argentina’s social and political understanding of Machismo culture. The movement was originally organized by Argentine radio journalist, Marcela Ojeda, who tweeted "They are killing us: aren't we going to do anything"?

The earnest work of the Los Madres de la Plaza del Mayo movement (the Mothers of the Plaza del Mayo), which inspired the work of NiUnaMenos, has been extremely influential in the modern fight for civil rights and gender equality in Argentina. In the 1970s and 1980s, the beginning of state-led terrorism in Argentina left everyone, especially women and children, vulnerable to both public and private attacks. Following the disappearance of their children, and around 30,000 Argentine citizens, these mothers and grandmothers spoke out against the Argentine dictatorship and its brutal human rights abuses.

"... the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo ... represented - and still represent - a paradigm in the struggle for human dignity against injustice"
Mabel Bellucci
"Not one less; The French Grandmothers Resist; Not one More"
"For my mother and for all of them (women) who are no longer"
With the aim of ending gender inequality and femicide, NiUnaMenos also intends to end the cycles of domestic violence perpetrated by Machismo culture, which have been ignored by Argentine government and law enforcement agencies.
Together we can"
The movement's success has done more than traverse the mere acceptance of and education about the issues of domestic violence and femicide; its ambassadors work to create new sets of cultural values that are inclusive and equal for both genders while also socially re-educating those who lack understanding of the classifications and effects of spousal violence (Terizan 55). The influence of the NiUnaMenos movement can be measured by the means of social involvement and legislative inclusion of Argentine women since the first demonstrations on June 3, 2015.
"Enough sexist violence!"